Attorney at Law / Mediator / Arbitrator

2727 Allen Parkway, Suite 1675, Houston, Texas 77019

Tel. No.: 713-526-1675 Fax No: 713-526-7974




B.A. in History with Honors, University of Texas

J.D. University of Texas



Cornell & Pardue: 2004 - present

Law Office of Janice E. Pardue: 2000 - 2004

Associate Judge: 247 th District Court (Family) 1993-1994

308 th District Court (Family) 1995-2000

Attorney: Tindall & Foster, Houston , Texas 1986-1993

Senior Attorney: Harris County Domestic Relations Office 1984-1986

Board Certified in Family Law 1988 (re-certified 1993, 1998 and 2003)

Recognized as a Texas Super Lawyer in Family Law by Law and Politics and Texas Lawyer Magazine 2004 and 2005

“Woman of Excellence” Award Recipient: Federation of Houston Professional Women 1997

Tiffany Star Award Recipient - Association of Women Attorneys 2003

Texas Bar Foundation
Texas Family Law Foundation
Houston Bar Foundation

The Association of Women Attorneys Foundation (Charter Founder)

Gulf Coast Family Law Specialists:
Member since 1988; Board Member 1990-1991, 1995-1997, Treasurer 1997-1998, President-Elect 1998-1999, President 1999-2000

Burta Rhoads Raborn Family Law Inn of Court:
Master 1998- present; Secretary 2004-2005

Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists:
Member since 1988; Board Member 1996-1999

The Association of Women Attorneys:
Member since 1984; Board Member 1993-1995; President-Elect 1995-1996; President 1996-1997; Committees - Scholarship, Judicial Screening

Houston Bar Association Sections:
Family Law - Member since 1983; Board Member 1989-1991, 1992-1993, 2000-2003, Secretary 2003-2005, Chair 2005- 2006
Alternative Dispute Resolution - Board Member 2000-2004; Secretary 2002-2003; Collaborative Law (founding member) - Board Member 2005-2006; Litigation

State Bar of Texas Sections:
Family Law, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Insurance, Litigation, Women in the Law

Houston Bar Association:
Member since 1983; Houston Lawyer Editorial Board 1993-1994; Continuing Legal Education Committee: 2000 - present

Institutes Committee 2002-2004, CLE Committee 2004-2005; Membership Committee 2000-2001; Judicial Polls Committee 2001-2002; Houston Lawyer Referral Board 2001-2002

Texas Women Lawyers (Founding Member):
Member since 1994; Director 1997- 2003

Institute for Responsible Dispute Resolution

College of the State Bar of Texas

Attorney-Mediators Institute: Basic Mediation Training 1993, Family Law Mediation Training 1994

South Texas College of Law: New Strategies for Family Law Mediation and Advocacy 2000, Advanced ADR Training for Trial and Appellate Lawyers and Mediators 2002

Collaborative Law:
Training with Chip Rose and Sherri Goren Slovin 2001

Collaborative Law Institute of Texas 1st Annual Collaborative Law Retreat 2004

Collaborative Law Institute of Texas
Collaborative Family Lawyers of Houston
Gulf Coast Collaborative Law Network

Author/Speaker for the State Bar of Texas
Author: Family Law Section Report - “ Texas Enacts the Revised Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act” 1987

Author/Speaker: Advanced Family Law Course:
Workshop on Discovery 1988-1990
Workshop on Closing Documents 1991
Workshop on Unusual Issues in Custody and Possession Litigation

1994 Judicial Panel:
“It All Depends on the Case, But...The Bench’s Views of Temporary Orders and Issues” 1996

Associates Judges’ Jam Session 1996

Workshop Chair - “The Child’s Voice In Court” 2002

Workshop - “Reimbursement and Economic Contribution” 2003

Family Law: The Team Approach for the Legal Assistant and the Lawyer - “Drafting of Qualified Domestic Relations Orders” 1990

Depositions: A Practical Approach to an Effective Tool - “The Basics: Deposition Rules and Procedures” 1990

The Ultimate Trial Notebook 2 - “Expert Witness Direct Testimony” 1990

Advanced Evidence and Discovery Course - “Creative Use of Subpoenas as a Discovery Tool” 1990 and 1991

Advanced Evidence and Discovery Course - “Evidentiary Privileges Under State Statutes and Regulations” 1991

15 th Annual Marriage Dissolution Institute - “Opening and Closing the File” 1992

16 th Annual Marriage Dissolution Institute - “Limits of Discovery” 1993

19 th Annual Advanced Family Law Course - “Child Support and Visitation: The Guidelines and Beyond” 1993

3 rd Advanced Family Law Drafting Course - “Representation as an Ad Litem (Attorney and/or Guardian)” 1993

Course Director:
Family Law Seminar, State Bar of Texas Annual Meeting 2003

Author/Speaker for South Texas College of Law
The 7 th Annual Family Law Institute - “Visitation and Support in Suits Affecting the Parent-Child Relationship” 1990

Family Law for the General Practitioner and Legal Assistant - “Clearing the Discovery Minefield in a Family Law Case” 1991

“The Associate Judges: Covering Major Points in Your Property Cases” 1994

“The Family Law Court : Practice Tips and Procedures” 1995

“How to Survive the Uncontested Docket” 2001

“The Initial Interview - Obtaining and Defining the Attorney-Client Relationship” 2002

Family Law Mediation Training Seminar - Panel Discussion - “Tools of Law” 1999

Whose Deal Are We Making? Family Law Mediation - “Mediation Legalities” 2003

Author/Speaker for Houston Bar Association
HBA Family Law Section - Divorce Litigation Support Seminar - “Accountant-Client Privilege in Texas ” 1989

HBA Family Law Section - Serving as an Ad Litem - The Nuts and Bolts - “An Overview” 1994

Program Co-Chair/Author/Speaker:
HBA/HBA Family Law Section Family Law Institute - “Family Law Protective Orders: Their Use and Misuse” 1998

HBA Family Law Section Luncheon - “The New Rules of Discovery” 1998

Program Co-Chair/Author/Speaker:
HBA/ HBA Family Law Section 2nd Annual Family Law Institute - “Missing in Action: Attorneys Ad Litem in Publications and Terminations”: 1999

HBA Family Law Section Luncheon - “The New Rules of Discovery - One Year Later” 2000

Program Co-Chair/Speaker:
HBA/HBA Family Law Section 3rd Annual Family Law Institute - “How to Survive the Uncontested Docket” 2000

Program Co-Chair:
HBA/HBA Family Law Section 4th Annual Family Law Institute 2001

Program Co-Chair/Author/Speaker:
HBA/HBA Family Law Section 5 th Annual Family Law Institute - “How to Get the Most Out of Your Mediator - Assistance and Results” 2002

Program Co-Chair/Author/Speaker:
HBA/HBA Family Law Section 6 th Annual Family Law Institute - “Obtaining and Keeping Your Default Judgment” 2003

Program Co-Chair/Speaker:
HBA/HBA Family Law Section 7 th Annual Family Law Institute 2004

Program Co-Chair/Speaker:
HBA/HBA Family Law Section 8 th Annual Family Law Institute 2005

Author/Speaker for University of Houston Law Foundation
UH Law Foundation - General Practice Institute - Summer - “Preparing for a Trial in a Family Law Case: How to Streamline and Simplify the Presentation of Evidence.” 1993

UH Law Foundation - General Practice Institute (Summer) - “Effective Presentation of a Family Law Case: A View From the Bench” 1994

UH Law Foundation Family Law Institute - “Temporary Orders, Temporary Injunctions and Other Pre-Trial Matters” 2000 (Houston and Dallas)

UH Law Foundation - General Practice Institute - “Temporary Orders, Temporary Injunctions and Other Pre-Trial Matters” 2001 (Houston and Dallas)

UH Law Foundation - Family Law Practice Seminar - “Temporary Hearings, Temporary Orders and Other Pre-Trial Matters” 2002 (Houston and Dallas)

Other Law Related Publications and Activities
Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists - First Annual Trial Institute - “The Voir Dire on Property Issues” 1987

Southern Methodist University School of Law - 10 th Biennial Specialists Symposium on Texas Family Law and Community Property - “Proof of Premarital Agreements & Marital Partitions: Professional Responsibility & Client Protection” 1988

Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program, Inc. - Family Law Seminar - “Family Violence Measures: Protective Orders, TRO’s & Other Measures” 1994

Mexican-American Bar Association of Texas - “The Quick & Easy Way of Proving Your Contempt Case” 1996

1997 Statewide Child Support Assistant Attorney General Conference - “From the Bench: A Perspective on Child Support” 1997

Houston Volunteer Lawyers Program, Inc. - Family Law Seminar 2004

Texas Academy of Family Law Specialists - 19 th Annual Trial Institute - Relocation Trial Demonstration 2005



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